Product List

Nicola, North London

My food consumption was quite high. Whilst taking SlimTone Original and Stimulant Free, I began a ... More Info

Alberta, London

I started using the SlimTone Combo Box at the beginning of 2005 and used it for 3 months. My ... More Info

Angelini, Doncaster

I have been on a diet all my life. It seemed that no matter what I did the weight never came off ... More Info


The Sensible Eating Guide

The Sensible Eating Guide forms a vital part of the SlimTone Easy Weight Loss System ...


Online Exercise Guide

Joint Doctor

An easy to follow exercise guide including workouts to target your specific problem areas ...



Frequently Asked Questions

This section is the most important link in the chain for successful weight loss while using the SlimTone Diet and slimming pill range. Each question is linked to the next helping you understand how to use the SlimTone range of diet pills for the most effective long term weight loss results.


Q.11 I don't like drinking water very much, why must I drink 8 cups a day when using SlimTone Original?

SlimTone Original stimulates our body's natural thermogenic process whereby it uses the oxygen from water to oxidize and therefore burn (breakdown) fat. This produces a waste product that must be eliminated from your body. Regular water consumption will not only help to remove the toxins from your body and therefore allow you to feel more energized, but it will also stimulate your metabolism to burn a greater volume of body fat and will help to remove any water retention that occurs naturally in a dehydrated environment - creating a natural diuretic effect. It has also been noted that the intake of water will help to reduce any possible feeling of shakiness, anxiety or nausea that may occur when users excessively restrict calories.


Q.12 I have tried other weight loss supplements & diet pills sold in my local salon that made me feel really sick - will the SlimTone range have the same effect on me?

No. Many other companies that produce weight loss products recommend taking their capsules on an empty stomach 30 minutes before food and are designed to cause nausea when food is consumed - causing you to lose weight rapidly as you starve yourself. The trouble is that your muscle will be cannibalized to supply you with the sugar(carbohydrate) necessary to burn fat, making your metabolism slow down drastically in as little as 7 days, while your body produces nauseating chemicals in a bid to stop you consuming the pills.

This is why all other so-called top brand thermogenic weight loss supplements and diet pills stop working after just 1 month. Most people simply put up with these horrible side effects in a desperate bid to lose weight and are left consuming them month after month to simply maintain the precious few pounds they have managed to lose.

SlimTone Original is different. We recommend that you take the capsules with food and water (preventing any possible nausea) allowing its appetite suppression effect to help stop you snacking between meals. SlimTone Stimulant Free does not cause nausea and is perfect when combined with SlimTone Original (will encourage similar effects with a lower dose of original and is therefore more comfortable to use) to enhance your metabolism and fat burning potential. When taken with your early evening meal SlimTone Stimulant Free will help to prevent those all too familiar late evening hunger pangs. This combination will help keep your metabolism fast allowing you to lose weight faster and for a longer period of time without causing nausea or nasty side effects.


SlimTone ® is a registered trade mark of Nutritional Science Solutions Ltd