Q.5 What's the point of using the SlimTone range of weight loss supplements for only 3-6 days? Will I notice any effects if I combine them correctly and follow the Sensible Eating Guide?
When taken correctly most people experience very prominent effects on the SlimTone Diet and slimming pill range of weight loss supplements. You will notice an immediate increase in energy levels and a substantial reduction in your appetite and sugar cravings. This will help you stick to our Sensible Eating Guide and to avoid snacking between meals or late at night. The introduction of correct eating patterns through a sensible diet plan, coupled with a boost in metabolic rate and thermogenises will generally cause you to lose a few pounds of weight, even in the first week!
We have had many reports of up to a 9 lbs weight loss in the first week by salon owners who wanted to try it out before selling to their customers.
Q.6 Is the SlimTone range of weight loss supplements safe and natural?
Yes, the SlimTone range contains only natural ingredients that have been used in literally millions of weight loss supplements sold worldwide.
SlimTone Original is Diet and slimming pill, and safe when used as directed (see label and back of leaflet for details),however its thermogenic action may increase your heart rate a little, so its normal to feel a little anxious in the beginning but it will soon pass. The energizing effect may keep you awake at night if taken too close to sleep. Do not use SlimTone Original if you have an allergy to aspirin.
SlimTone Stimulant Free is one of the safest weight loss supplements in the world but must be taken as directed. If you are a healthy individual, over 18, not using medication and are not suffering or have never suffered from any medical condition, you will find the SlimTone range completely safe to use (see question 12 for more details).